RdKafka for F# Microservices

All text and code copyright (c) 2016 by Jonathan Leaver. Used with permission.

Original post dated 2016-12-08 available at https://j-alexander.github.io/entry/2016/12/08/rdkafka-for-fsharp-microservices

By Jonathan Leaver


Apache Kafka represents a powerful tool for linking microservices in a distributed system with a focus on processing and producing streams of interesting data.

If you're new, check out a quick introduction to the important concepts in Apache Kafka.

RdKafka is a C-native library for interacting with Apache Kafka that is used in a wide variety of systems and a nice C# wrapper is available for it.

Let's look at how to use these from F# to support coordinated, high-performance microservices.


  • RdKafka from NuGet, or using Paket:
./.paket/paket.exe add nuget RdKafka project MyProject
  • Pre-build event to transfer native libraries (64-bit):
xcopy /y /d /f
  • Reference and open the C# wrapper:
#r "./packages/RdKafka/lib/net451/RdKafka.dll"

open RdKafka



type Topic = string       // https://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_topics
and Partition = int       //   partition of a topic
and Offset = int64        //   offset position within a partition of a topic
and BrokerCsv = string    // connection string of "broker1:9092,broker2:9092"
                          //   with protocol {http://,tcp://} removed
and ConsumerName = string // https://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_consumers
and ErrorReason = string

RdKafka Events

RdKafka provides much better transparency than other .NET kafka libraries by exposing a wide variety of events using callbacks. Here we define an F# union type for the various cases.

type Event =
  | Statistics of string
  | OffsetCommit of ErrorCode*List<Topic*Partition*Offset>
  | EndReached of Topic*Partition*Offset
  | PartitionsAssigned of List<Topic*Partition*Offset>
  | PartitionsRevoked of List<Topic*Partition*Offset>
  | ConsumerError of ErrorCode
  | Error of ErrorCode*string

Converting RdKafka Types

Following are some simple conversions to F# datatypes that are used throughput our samples:

let ofTopicPartitionOffset (tpo:TopicPartitionOffset) =

let ofTopicPartitionOffsets =
  Seq.map ofTopicPartitionOffset >> Seq.toList

let ofCommit (oca:Consumer.OffsetCommitArgs) =
  oca.Error,ofTopicPartitionOffsets oca.Offsets

let ofError (ea:Handle.ErrorArgs) =

Logging RdKafka Events

Consider using an exhaustive pattern match on the Event union type to provide highly granular logging. As you're working with the library, these cases will give you valuable insight:

let toLog = function
  | Event.Error _ -> () 
//| ...

You can easily attach your toLog function to callbacks from both the producer and consumer by mapping the callbacks into cases of the Event type:

let fromConsumerToLog (c:EventConsumer) =
  c.OnStatistics.Add(Statistics >> toLog)
  c.OnOffsetCommit.Add(ofCommit >> OffsetCommit >> toLog)
  c.OnEndReached.Add(ofTopicPartitionOffset >> EndReached >> toLog)
  c.OnPartitionsAssigned.Add(ofTopicPartitionOffsets >> PartitionsAssigned >> toLog)
  c.OnPartitionsRevoked.Add(ofTopicPartitionOffsets >> PartitionsRevoked >> toLog)
  c.OnConsumerError.Add(ConsumerError >> toLog)
  c.OnError.Add(ofError >> Error >> toLog)

let fromProducerToLog (p:Producer) =
  p.OnError.Add(ofError >> Error >> toLog)
  p.OnStatistics.Add(Statistics >> toLog)

Configuration and Connection

When you connect to RdKafka, you can configure any of the defaults in the underlying native library. In particular, there are several settings you may want to consider:

  1. a consumer GroupId, shared by all cooperating instances of a microservice
    • note: for rdkafka 0.9.1 or earlier, setting GroupId on a producer may block Dispose()
  2. whether or not to EnableAutoCommit for tracking your current offset position
  3. whether to save the offsets on the broker for coordination
  4. if your Kafka cluster runs an idle connection reaper, disconnection messages will appear at even intervals when idle
  5. a metadata broker list workaround enables you to query additional metadata using the native wrapper
  6. where to start a brand new consumer group:
    • smallest starts processing from the earliest offsets in the topic
    • largest, the default, starts from the newest message offsets
let connect (brokerCsv:BrokerCsv) (group:ConsumerName) (autoCommit:bool) =
  let config = new Config()
  config.GroupId <- group                                // (1)
  config.StatisticsInterval <- TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0)
  config.EnableAutoCommit <- autoCommit                  // (2)
  config.["offset.store.method"] <- "broker"             // (3)
  config.["log.connection.close"] <- "false"             // (4)
  config.["metadata.broker.list"] <- brokerCsv           // (5)
  config.DefaultTopicConfig <-
    let topicConfig = new TopicConfig()
    topicConfig.["auto.offset.reset"] <- "smallest"      // (6)

  new EventConsumer(config, brokerCsv),
  new Producer(config, brokerCsv)


A partition key and payload can then be published to a topic. The response includes a partition and offset position confirming the write. Consider Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes if your message is text.

let publish (brokerCsv:BrokerCsv) (group:ConsumerName) (topic:Topic) =
  let consumer,producer = connect brokerCsv group false
  let topic = producer.Topic(topic)
  fun (key:byte[], payload:byte[]) -> async {
    let! report = Async.AwaitTask(topic.Produce(payload=payload,key=key))
    return report.Partition, report.Offset


To consume, on partition assignment we select Offset.Stored, which defaults to the value of auto.offset.reset if no stored offset exists. Messages are then sent to the onMessage callback once the topic subscription starts.

let subscribeCallback (brokerCsv) (group) (topic:Topic) (onMessage) =
  let autoCommit = true
  let consumer,producer = connect brokerCsv group autoCommit
    >> List.map (fun (t,p,o) -> t,p,Offset.Stored)
    >> List.map TopicPartitionOffset
    >> Collections.Generic.List<_>
    >> consumer.Assign)
  consumer.Subscribe(new Collections.Generic.List<string>([topic]))

The above works quite well assuming you process the message to completion within the callback.

You may want to process larger batches of messages asynchronously, however. To use a sequence instead, a blocking collection can buffer incoming messages as they're received. A sequence generator yielding messages from this buffer is returned to the client:

let subscribeSeq brokerCsv group topic : seq<Partition*Offset*byte[]> =

Buffering more than 3000 messages will hold+block the callback until the client has consumed from the sequence.

  let buffer = 3000
  let messages =
    new Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection<Message>(
      new Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue<Message>(), buffer)
  consumer.Subscribe(new Collections.Generic.List<string>([topic]))

  Seq.initInfinite(fun _ ->
    let message = messages.Take()
    message.Partition, message.Offset, message.Payload)  // or AsyncSeq :)

At this point, we make an important observation: the native client will autocommit offsets acknowledging that a message in the buffer has been processed even though it may not have been dequeued. From RdKafka's point of view, the callback for that message has completed!

This is when you'll want to manage offsets yourself.

Manual Offsets

For a given partition, we need to know which messages have started processing. These are the Active messages that we do not yet want to commit. When a message has completed we move it to Processed.

It's possible that processing may complete out of order! To account for this, the Next offset to commit must be less than the oldest Active message.

type Offsets =
  { Next : Offset option       // the next offset to be committed
    Active : Offset list       // offsets of active messages (started processing)
    Processed : Offset list }  // offsets of processed messages newer than (>) any
                               // active message, e.g.:
                               //   still working on 4L, but 5L & 6L are processed

In the following module:

  • start adds a message to the Active set
  • finish moves a message from the Active set to Processed
  • update adjusts the Next offset to commit (based on any changes above)
module Offsets =
  let empty = { Next=None; Processed=[]; Active=[] }

  let private update = function
    | { Processed=[] } as x -> x
    | { Active=[] } as x -> { x with Processed=[]; Next=List.max x.Processed |> Some }
    | x -> x.Processed
           |> List.partition ((>=) (List.min x.Active))
           |> function | [], _ -> x
                       | c, p -> { x with Processed=p; Next=List.max c |> Some }
  let start  (x:Offset) (xs:Offsets) = update { xs with Active = x :: xs.Active }
  let finish (x:Offset) (xs:Offsets) = update { xs with Active = List.filter ((<>) x) xs.Active
                                                        Processed = x :: xs.Processed }

Since the Offsets above apply to an individual partition, we want to be able to track all current partitions. This follows the same lifecycle we've seen so far:

  • a partition is assigned to us
  • a message starts processing
  • a message finishes processing
  • a partition may be revoked (and assigned to another instance)
type Partitions = Map<Partition, Offsets>

module Partitions =  
  let assign (p:Partition) (xs:Partitions) : Partitions =
    match Map.tryFind p xs with
    | Some _ -> xs
    | None -> Map.add p Offsets.empty xs

  let start (p:Partition, o:Offset) (xs:Partitions) : Partitions =
    match Map.tryFind p xs with 
    | Some offsets -> Map.add p (Offsets.start o offsets) xs
    | None -> xs

  let finish (p:Partition, o:Offset) (xs:Partitions) : Partitions =
    match Map.tryFind p xs with
    | Some offsets -> Map.add p (Offsets.finish o offsets) xs
    | None -> xs

  let revoke (p:Partition) (xs:Partitions) : Partitions =
    Map.remove p xs

Finally, we want the next offset to commit for each partition assigned to us. Our client can then commit a checkpoint to record completion of all messages up to this point.

  let checkpoint : Partitions -> List<Partition*Offset> =
    Map.toList >> List.choose (fun (p,o) -> o.Next |> Option.map(fun o -> p,1L+o))

Integrating & Committing Offsets

This example uses an F# mailbox processor to aggregate our progress from multiple threads. There are several ways to solve this problem! This particular solution can play nicely with asynchronous workflows and is fairly concise.

The actor observes the following:

  1. processing started or finished on a message at Offset of Partition
  2. active Partitions have been assigned to us, or revoked from us (i.e. assigned to another consumer in our group)
type OffsetMonitor = OffsetMonitorMessage->unit
and OffsetMonitorMessage =
  | Start of Partition * Offset | Finish of Partition * Offset // (1)
  | Assign of Partition list    | Revoke of Partition list     // (2)

module OffsetMonitor =

    let assign m = List.map (fun (_,p,_) -> p) >> Assign >> m 
    let revoke m = List.map (fun (_,p,_) -> p) >> Revoke >> m
    let start  m (x:Message) = (x.Partition, x.Offset) |> Start |> m
    let finish m (x:Message) = (x.Partition, x.Offset) |> Finish |> m

    let create (consumer:EventConsumer) (topic:Topic) =

      let integrate = function
        | Start  (p,o) -> Partitions.start  (p,o)
        | Finish (p,o) -> Partitions.finish (p,o)
        | Assign (ps)  -> List.foldBack Partitions.assign (ps)
        | Revoke (ps)  -> List.foldBack Partitions.revoke (ps)

Here, every 45 seconds our offset monitor will commit outstanding checkpoints. Note that a Kafka cluster may reassign your partitions if you wait too long to report progress.

      MailboxProcessor<OffsetMonitorMessage>.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop(watch:Stopwatch, partitions:Partitions) = async {
            if watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 45. then
              let! result =
                Partitions.checkpoint partitions
                |> List.map (fun (p,o) -> TopicPartitionOffset(topic,p,o))
                |> Collections.Generic.List
                |> consumer.Commit
                |> Async.AwaitTask
                |> Async.Catch
              return! loop(Stopwatch.StartNew(),partitions)
              let! message = inbox.TryReceive(1000)
                match message with
                | None -> loop(watch, partitions)
                | Some m -> loop(watch, partitions |> integrate m)
        loop(Stopwatch.StartNew(), Map.empty)).Post

Subscribing (Parallelism + Manual Offset Management)

Let's suppose we want to process multiple messages at a time on multiple threads.

To tie all of this together, we create a hybrid of subscribeCallback and subscribeSeq functions above. It accepts an onMessage callback, tracks all offsets, and executes using some degree of concurrency.

let subscribeParallel concurrency brokerCsv group topic onMessage =
  1. when a partition is assigned, we start tracking its offsets
  2. before business logic, offsets are marked as active
  3. after business logic, offsets are marked as processed
  4. when a partition is revoked, we stop tracking its offsets
  let monitor = OffsetMonitor.create consumer topic

    ofTopicPartitionOffsets >> OffsetMonitor.assign monitor) // (1)
    ofTopicPartitionOffsets >> OffsetMonitor.revoke monitor) // (4)

  let onMessage(message:Message) = async {
      OffsetMonitor.start monitor message                    // (2)
      do! onMessage(message)
      OffsetMonitor.finish monitor message }                 // (3)

  consumer.Subscribe(new Collections.Generic.List<string>([topic]))

Finally, take the messageSeq from subscribeSeq, and apply onMessage with the specified degree of concurrency. (using AsyncSeq, this time :) )

  |> AsyncSeq.ofSeq
  |> AsyncSeq.iterAsyncParThrottled concurrency onMessage


Supervising progress of a microservice running RdKafka depends on monitoring two things:

  1. the range of messages available in a topic (i.e. its Watermark offsets), and
  2. the current Checkpoint offsets for a consumer group relative to those Watermarks


A line drawn on the side of an empty ship is its low water line. When you put cargo on the ship, it sits lower in water. The line drawn on the side of a fully loaded ship is its high water line. The same terminology is used here:

type Watermark =     // watermark high/low offset for each partition of a topic
  { Topic : string   // topic
    Partition : int  // partition of the topic
    High : int64     // highest offset available in this partition (newest message)
    Low : int64 }    // lowest offset available in this partition (oldest message)

To query these watermarks:

module Watermark =
  let queryWithTimeout (timeout) (producer:Producer) (consumer:Consumer) (topic:Topic) =
    let queryWatermark(t, p) =
      async {
        let! w =
          consumer.QueryWatermarkOffsets(TopicPartition(t, p), timeout)
          |> Async.AwaitTask
        return { Topic=t; Partition=p; High=w.High; Low=w.Low }
    async {
      let topic = producer.Topic(topic)
      let! metadata =
        producer.Metadata(onlyForTopic=topic, timeout=timeout)
        |> Async.AwaitTask
        |> Seq.collect(fun t -> [for p in t.Partitions -> t.Topic, p.PartitionId])
        |> Seq.sort
        |> Seq.map queryWatermark
        |> Async.Parallel // again, consider AsyncSeq instead :)


Your consumer group's current position is composed of an offset position within each partition of the topic:

type Checkpoint = List<Partition*Offset>

If you're monitoring within an active consumer, you have access to the absolute latest offsets completed for each partition. When multiple consumers are working together in a group, however, each has only a partial view of the overall progress.

It's possible to query the broker for the latest committed checkpoint for a consumer group across all partitions of the topic:

module Checkpoint =
  let queryWithTimeout (timeout) (producer:Producer) (consumer:Consumer) (topic:Topic) =
    async {
      let! metadata = 
        producer.Metadata(onlyForTopic=producer.Topic(topic), timeout=timeout)
        |> Async.AwaitTask
      let partitions =
        |> Seq.collect(fun t -> [for p in t.Partitions -> t.Topic, p.PartitionId])
        |> Seq.sort
        |> Seq.map (fun (t,p) -> new TopicPartition(t,p))
      let! committed =
        consumer.Committed(new Collections.Generic.List<_>(partitions), timeout)
        |> Async.AwaitTask
      let checkpoint : Checkpoint =
        |> Seq.map (fun tpo -> tpo.Partition, tpo.Offset)
        |> Seq.sortBy fst
        |> Seq.toList
      return checkpoint

Over time, your current offset in each partition should increase as your consumer group processes messages. Similarly, the high watermark will also increase as new messages are added. The difference between your high watermark and your current position is your lag.

Using these figures, you can measure your performance relative to any service level agreement in effect for your microservice, and potentially take corrective action - such as scaling the number of consumer instances or size of machines.


With an eye to building top-tier microservices, we looked at:

  • logging callbacks in RdKafka to achieve better visibility
  • configuring the client for flexibility in several useful scenarios
  • publishing and subscribing, including:
    • scaling the client as partitions are redistributed
    • maintaining an at-least-once guarantee for message processing at scale
  • monitoring overall progress using watermarks and committed checkpoints
  • and we barely even scratched the surface ;)

If you enjoy working with F# and Kafka, I also encourage you to check out Kafunk -- an open source client (written entirely in F# !) under development at Jet.

Thanks for visiting -- have fun!

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