Improving the parser library
UPDATE: Slides and video from my talk on this topic
In this series, we are looking at how applicative parsers and parser combinators work.
- In the first post, we created the foundations of a parsing library.
- In the second post, we built out the library with many other useful combinators.
- In this post, we'll rework the library to provide more helpful error messages.
1. Labelling a Parser
In some of the failing code examples from earlier posts, we got confusing errors:
let parseDigit = anyOf ['0'..'9']
run parseDigit "|ABC" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got '|'"
is defined as a choice of digit characters, so when the last choice ('9'
) fails, that is the error message we receive.
But that message is quite confusing. What we really want is to receive is an error that mentions "digit", something like: Failure "Expecting digit. Got '|'"
That is, what we need is a way of labeling parsers with a word like "digit" and then showing that label when a failure occurs.
As a reminder, this is how the Parser
type was defined in earlier posts:
type Parser<'a> = Parser of (string -> Result<'a * string>)
In order to add a label, we need to change it into a record structure:
type ParserLabel = string
/// A Parser structure has a parsing function & label
type Parser<'a> = {
parseFn : (string -> Result<'a * string>)
label: ParserLabel
The record contains two fields: the parsing function (parseFn
) and the label
One problem is that the label is in the parser itself, but not in the Result
, which means that clients will not know how to display the label along with the error.
So let's add it to the Failure
case of Result
as well, in addition to the error message:
// Aliases
type ParserLabel = string
type ParserError = string
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of ParserLabel * ParserError
And while we are at it, let's define a helper function to display the result of a parse:
let printResult result =
match result with
| Success (value,input) ->
printfn "%A" value
| Failure (label,error) ->
printfn "Error parsing %s\n%s" label error
Updating the code
With this change to the definition of Parser
and Result
, we have to change some of the basic functions, such as bindP
/// "bindP" takes a parser-producing function f, and a parser p
/// and passes the output of p into f, to create a new parser
let bindP f p =
let label = "unknown" // <====== "label" is new!
let innerFn input =
match result1 with
| Failure (label,err) -> // <====== "label" is new!
| Success (value1,remainingInput) ->
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label} // <====== "parseFn" and "label" are new!
We have to make similar changes to returnP
, orElse
, and many
. For the complete code, see the gist linked to below.
Updating the label
When we use a combinator to build a new compound parser, we will often want to assign a new label to it.
In order to do this, we replace the original parseFn
with another one that returns the new label.
Here's the code:
/// Update the label in the parser
let setLabel parser newLabel =
// change the inner function to use the new label
let newInnerFn input =
let result = parser.parseFn input
match result with
| Success s ->
// if Success, do nothing
Success s
| Failure (oldLabel,err) ->
// if Failure, return new label
Failure (newLabel,err) // <====== use newLabel here
// return the Parser
{parseFn=newInnerFn; label=newLabel} // <====== use newLabel here
And let's create an infix version of this called <?>
/// infix version of setLabel
let ( <?> ) = setLabel
Let's test our new toy!
let parseDigit_WithLabel =
anyOf ['0'..'9']
<?> "digit"
run parseDigit_WithLabel "|ABC"
|> printResult
And the output is:
Error parsing digit
Unexpected '|'
The error message is now Error parsing digit
rather than Expecting '9'
. Much better!
Setting default labels:
We can also set the default labels for certain combinators such as andThen
and orElse
based on the inputs:
/// Combine two parsers as "A andThen B"
let andThen p1 p2 =
let label = sprintf "%s andThen %s" (getLabel p1) (getLabel p2)
p1 >>= (fun p1Result ->
p2 >>= (fun p2Result ->
returnP (p1Result,p2Result) ))
<?> label // <====== provide a custom label
// combine two parsers as "A orElse B"
let orElse parser1 parser2 =
// construct a new label
let label = // <====== provide a custom label
sprintf "%s orElse %s" (getLabel parser1) (getLabel parser2)
let innerFn input =
... etc ...
/// choose any of a list of characters
let anyOf listOfChars =
let label = sprintf "any of %A" listOfChars
|> pchar
|> choice
<?> label // <====== provide a custom label
2. Replacing "pchar" with "satisfy"
One thing that has bothered me about all the implementations so far is pchar
, the basic primitive that all the other functions have built on.
I don't like that it is so tightly coupled to the input model. What happens if we want to parse bytes from a binary format, or other kinds of input.
All the combinators other than pchar
are loosely coupled. If we could decouple pchar
as well,
we would be set up for parsing any stream of tokens, and that would make me happy!
At this point, I'll repeat one of my favorite FP slogans: "parameterize all the things!" In the case of pchar
, we'll remove the charToMatch
parameter and
replace it with a function -- a predicate. We'll call the new function satisfy
/// Match an input token if the predicate is satisfied
let satisfy predicate label =
let innerFn input =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) then
Failure (label,"No more input")
let first = input.[0]
if predicate first then // <====== use predicate here
let remainingInput = input.[1..]
Success (first,remainingInput)
let err = sprintf "Unexpected '%c'" first
Failure (label,err)
// return the parser
Other than the parameters, the only thing that has changed from the pchar
implementation is this one line:
let satisfy predicate label =
if predicate first then
With satisfy
available, we can rewrite pchar
/// parse a char
let pchar charToMatch =
let predicate ch = (ch = charToMatch)
let label = sprintf "%c" charToMatch
satisfy predicate label
Note that we are setting the label to be the charToMatch
. This refactoring would not have been as convenient before, because we didn't have the concept of "labels" yet,
and so pchar
would not have been able to return a useful error message.
The satisfy
function also lets us write more efficient versions of other parsers. For example, parsing a digit looked like this originally:
/// parse a digit
let digitChar =
anyOf ['0'..'9']
But now we can rewrite it using a predicate directly, making it a lot more efficient:
/// parse a digit
let digitChar =
let predicate = Char.IsDigit
let label = "digit"
satisfy predicate label
Similarly, we can create a more efficient whitespace parser too:
/// parse a whitespace char
let whitespaceChar =
let predicate = Char.IsWhiteSpace
let label = "whitespace"
satisfy predicate label
3. Adding position and context to error messages
Another way to improve the error messages is to show the line and column that the error occurred on.
Obviously, for simple one-liners, keeping track of the error location is not a problem, but when you are parsing a 100 line JSON file, it will be very helpful.
In order to track the line and column we are going to have to abandon the simple string
input and replace it with something more complex,
so let's start with that.
Defining a input that tracks position
First, we will need a Position
type to store the line and column, with helper functions to increment one column and one line:
type Position = {
line : int
column : int
/// define an initial position
let initialPos = {line=0; column=0}
/// increment the column number
let incrCol pos =
{pos with column=pos.column + 1}
/// increment the line number and set the column to 0
let incrLine pos =
{line=pos.line + 1; column=0}
Next, we'll need to combine the input string with a position into a single "input state" type. Since we are line oriented, we can make our lives easier and store the input string as a array of lines rather than as one giant string:
/// Define the current input state
type InputState = {
lines : string[]
position : Position
We will also need a way to convert a string into a initial InputState
/// Create a new InputState from a string
let fromStr str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
{lines=[||]; position=initialPos}
let separators = [| "\r\n"; "\n" |]
let lines = str.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None)
{lines=lines; position=initialPos}
Finally, and most importantly, we need a way to read the next character from the input -- let's call it nextChar
We know what the input for nextChar
will be (an InputState
) but what should the output look like?
- If the input is at the end, we need a way to indicate that there is no next character, so in that case return
. - Therefore in the case when a character is available, we will return
. - In addition, the input state will have changed because the column (or line) will have been incremented as well.
So, putting this together, the input for nextChar
is an InputState
and the output is a pair char option * InputState
The logic for returning the next char will be as follows then:
- If we are at the last character of the input, return EOF (
) and don't change the state. - If the current column is not at the end of a line, return the character at that position and change the state by incrementing the column position.
- If the current column is at the end of a line, return a newline character and change the state by incrementing the line position.
Here's the code:
// return the current line
let currentLine inputState =
let linePos = inputState.position.line
if linePos < inputState.lines.Length then
"end of file"
/// Get the next character from the input, if any
/// else return None. Also return the updated InputState
/// Signature: InputState -> InputState * char option
let nextChar input =
let linePos = input.position.line
let colPos = input.position.column
// three cases
// 1) if line >= maxLine ->
// return EOF
// 2) if col less than line length ->
// return char at colPos, increment colPos
// 3) if col at line length ->
// return NewLine, increment linePos
if linePos >= input.lines.Length then
input, None
let currentLine = currentLine input
if colPos < currentLine.Length then
let char = currentLine.[colPos]
let newPos = incrCol input.position
let newState = {input with position=newPos}
newState, Some char
// end of line, so return LF and move to next line
let char = '\n'
let newPos = incrLine input.position
let newState = {input with position=newPos}
newState, Some char
Unlike the earlier string
implementation, the underlying array of lines is never altered or copied -- only the position is changed. This means that
making a new state each time the position changes should be reasonably efficient, because the text is shared everywhere.
Let's quickly test that the implementation works. We'll create a helper function readAllChars
and then see what it returns
for different inputs:
let rec readAllChars input =
let remainingInput,charOpt = nextChar input
match charOpt with
| None ->
// end of input
| Some ch ->
// return first character
yield ch
// return the remaining characters
yield! readAllChars remainingInput
Here it is with some example inputs:
fromStr "" |> readAllChars // []
fromStr "a" |> readAllChars // ['a'; '\n']
fromStr "ab" |> readAllChars // ['a'; 'b'; '\n']
fromStr "a\nb" |> readAllChars // ['a'; '\n'; 'b'; '\n']
Note that the implementation returns a newline at the end of the input, even if the input doesn't have one. I think that this is a feature, not a bug!
Changing the parser to use the input
We now need to change the Parser
type again.
To start with, the Failure
case needs to return some kind of data that indicates the position, so we can show it in an error message.
We could just use the InputState
as is, but let's be good and define a new type specially for this use, called ParserPosition
/// Stores information about the parser position for error messages
type ParserPosition = {
currentLine : string
line : int
column : int
We'll need some way to convert a InputState
into a ParserPosition
let parserPositionFromInputState (inputState:Input) = {
currentLine = TextInput.currentLine inputState
line = inputState.position.line
column = inputState.position.column
And finally, we can update the Result
type to include ParserPosition
// Result type
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of ParserLabel * ParserError * ParserPosition
In addition, the Parser
type needs to change from string
to InputState
type Input = TextInput.InputState // type alias
/// A Parser structure has a parsing function & label
type Parser<'a> = {
parseFn : (Input -> Result<'a * Input>)
label: ParserLabel
With all this extra information available, the printResult
function can be enhanced to print the text of the current line, along with a caret where the error is:
let printResult result =
match result with
| Success (value,input) ->
printfn "%A" value
| Failure (label,error,parserPos) ->
let errorLine = parserPos.currentLine
let colPos = parserPos.column
let linePos = parserPos.line
let failureCaret = sprintf "%*s^%s" colPos "" error
printfn "Line:%i Col:%i Error parsing %s\n%s\n%s" linePos colPos label errorLine failureCaret
Let's test printResult
with a dummy error value:
let exampleError =
Failure ("identifier", "unexpected |",
{currentLine = "123 ab|cd"; line=1; column=6})
printResult exampleError
The output is shown below:
Line:1 Col:6 Error parsing identifier
123 ab|cd
^unexpected |
Much nicer than before!
Fixing up the run
The run
function now needs to take an InputState
not a string. But we also want the convenience of running against string input,
so let's create two run
functions, one that takes an InputState
and one that takes a string
/// Run the parser on a InputState
let runOnInput parser input =
// call inner function with input
parser.parseFn input
/// Run the parser on a string
let run parser inputStr =
// call inner function with input
runOnInput parser (TextInput.fromStr inputStr)
Fixing up the combinators
We now have three items in the Failure
case rather than two. This breaks some code but is easy to fix. I'm tempted to create a special ParserError
so that it never happens again, but for now, I'll just fix up the errors.
Here's a new version of satisfy
/// Match an input token if the predicate is satisfied
let satisfy predicate label =
let innerFn input =
let remainingInput,charOpt = TextInput.nextChar input
match charOpt with
| None ->
let err = "No more input"
let pos = parserPositionFromInputState input
//Failure (label,err) // <====== old version
Failure (label,err,pos) // <====== new version
| Some first ->
if predicate first then
Success (first,remainingInput)
let err = sprintf "Unexpected '%c'" first
let pos = parserPositionFromInputState input
//Failure (label,err) // <====== old version
Failure (label,err,pos) // <====== new version
// return the parser
Note that the failure case code is now Failure (label,err,pos)
where the parser position is built from the input state.
And here is bindP
/// "bindP" takes a parser-producing function f, and a parser p
/// and passes the output of p into f, to create a new parser
let bindP f p =
let label = "unknown"
let innerFn input =
let result1 = runOnInput p input
match result1 with
| Failure (label,err,pos) -> // <====== new with pos
// return error from parser1
Failure (label,err,pos)
| Success (value1,remainingInput) ->
// apply f to get a new parser
let p2 = f value1
// run parser with remaining input
runOnInput p2 remainingInput
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
We can fix up the other functions in the same way.
Testing the positional errors
Let's test with a real parser now:
let parseAB =
pchar 'A' .>>. pchar 'B'
<?> "AB"
run parseAB "A|C"
|> printResult
And the output is:
// Line:0 Col:1 Error parsing AB
// A|C
// ^Unexpected '|'
Excellent! I think we can stop now.
4. Adding some standard parsers to the library
In the previous posts, we've built parsers for strings and ints in passing, but now let's add them to the core library, so that clients don't have to reinvent the wheel.
These parsers are based on those in the the FParsec library.
Let's start with some string-related parsers. I will present them without comment -- I hope that the code is self-explanatory by now.
/// parse a char
let pchar charToMatch =
// label is just the character
let label = sprintf "%c" charToMatch
let predicate ch = (ch = charToMatch)
satisfy predicate label
/// Choose any of a list of characters
let anyOf listOfChars =
let label = sprintf "anyOf %A" listOfChars
|> pchar // convert into parsers
|> choice
<?> label
/// Convert a list of chars to a string
let charListToStr charList =
String(List.toArray charList)
/// Parses a sequence of zero or more chars with the char parser cp.
/// It returns the parsed chars as a string.
let manyChars cp =
many cp
|>> charListToStr
/// Parses a sequence of one or more chars with the char parser cp.
/// It returns the parsed chars as a string.
let manyChars1 cp =
many1 cp
|>> charListToStr
/// parse a specific string
let pstring str =
// label is just the string
let label = str
// convert to list of char
|> List.ofSeq
// map each char to a pchar
|> pchar
// convert to Parser<char list>
|> sequence
// convert Parser<char list> to Parser<string>
|> mapP charListToStr
<?> label
Let's test pstring
, for example:
run (pstring "AB") "ABC"
|> printResult
// Success
// "AB"
run (pstring "AB") "A|C"
|> printResult
// Line:0 Col:1 Error parsing AB
// A|C
// ^Unexpected '|'
Whitespace parsers
Whitespace is important in parsing, even if we do end up mostly throwing it away!
/// parse a whitespace char
let whitespaceChar =
let predicate = Char.IsWhiteSpace
let label = "whitespace"
satisfy predicate label
/// parse zero or more whitespace char
let spaces = many whitespaceChar
/// parse one or more whitespace char
let spaces1 = many1 whitespaceChar
And here's some whitespace tests:
run spaces " ABC"
|> printResult
// [' ']
run spaces "A"
|> printResult
// []
run spaces1 " ABC"
|> printResult
// [' ']
run spaces1 "A"
|> printResult
// Line:0 Col:0 Error parsing many1 whitespace
// A
// ^Unexpected 'A'
Numeric parsers
Finally, we need a parser for ints and floats.
/// parse a digit
let digitChar =
let predicate = Char.IsDigit
let label = "digit"
satisfy predicate label
// parse an integer
let pint =
let label = "integer"
// helper
let resultToInt (sign,digits) =
let i = digits |> int // ignore int overflow for now
match sign with
| Some ch -> -i // negate the int
| None -> i
// define parser for one or more digits
let digits = manyChars1 digitChar
// an "int" is optional sign + one or more digits
opt (pchar '-') .>>. digits
|> mapP resultToInt
<?> label
// parse a float
let pfloat =
let label = "float"
// helper
let resultToFloat (((sign,digits1),point),digits2) =
let fl = sprintf "%s.%s" digits1 digits2 |> float
match sign with
| Some ch -> -fl // negate the float
| None -> fl
// define parser for one or more digits
let digits = manyChars1 digitChar
// a float is sign, digits, point, digits (ignore exponents for now)
opt (pchar '-') .>>. digits .>>. pchar '.' .>>. digits
|> mapP resultToFloat
<?> label
And some tests:
run pint "-123Z"
|> printResult
// -123
run pint "-Z123"
|> printResult
// Line:0 Col:1 Error parsing integer
// -Z123
// ^Unexpected 'Z'
run pfloat "-123.45Z"
|> printResult
// -123.45
run pfloat "-123Z45"
|> printResult
// Line:0 Col:4 Error parsing float
// -123Z45
// ^Unexpected 'Z'
5. Backtracking
One more topic that we should discuss is "backtracking".
Let's say that you have two parsers: one to match the string A-1
and and another to match the string A-2
. If the input is
then the first parser will fail at the third character and the second parser will be attempted.
Now the second parser must start at the beginning of the original sequence of characters, not at the third character. That is, we need to undo the current position in the input stream and go back to the first position.
If we were using a mutable input stream then this might be a tricky problem, but thankfully we are using immutable data, and so
"undoing" the position just means using the original input value. And of course, this is exactly what combinators such as orElse
) do.
In other words, we get backtracking "for free" when we use immutable input state. Yay!
Sometimes however, we don't want to backtrack. For example, let's say we have these parsers:
- let
= the "for" keyword, then an identifier, then the "in" keyword, etc. - let
= the "if" keyword, then an identifier, then the "then" keyword, etc.
and we then create a combined expression parser that chooses between them:
- let
=forExpression <|> ifExpression
Now, if the input stream is for &&& in something
then the forExpression
parser will error when it hits the sequence &&&
, because it is expecting
a valid identifier. At this point we don't want to backtrack and try the ifExpression
-- we want to show an error such as "identifier expected after 'for'".
The rule then is that: if input has been consumed successfully (in this case, the for
keyword was matched successfully) then do not backtrack.
We're not going to implement this rule in our simple library, but a proper library like FParsec does implement this and also has support for bypassing it when needed.
Listing of the final parser library
The parsing library is up to 500 lines of code now, so I won't show it here. You can see it at this gist.
In this post, we added better error handling and some more parsers.
Now we have everything we need to build a JSON parser! That will be the topic of the next post.
The source code for this post is available at this gist.